Have you ever felt in your gut that you were being invited outside your comfort zone to do something you were not sure you were equipped to do?
Well, that is exactly what compelled me to start this blog. There are a few things I tell people all the time that they should do, and I must always practice what I preach.
🎯. Stretch outside your comfort zone to grow.
🎯. Find a need and fill it.
🎯. Look around, see where God is working and join him, there you will find your purpose.
If I am honest with myself, it’s been a little while since I REALLY stretched outside my comfort zone. 🤷🏻♀️ So I am saddling up and trusting that little voice inside my heart as I begin to blog, podcast and write offering my voice up to friends, family and strangers.
I believe it is my duty and purpose to take my life experience and use it in a way that offers HOPE. I am trusting that I can bring value to you my readers in such a way your life will feel a little lighter after each of our encounters.
You will find several flavors throughout my posts. Some will come in the form of practical wisdom for simply “doing life”, some will speak to the entrepreneurial spirit, some to the caregiver of cancer patients, some to mother-hood issues; both as a Mom working outside the home and a “domestically engineer” inside the home full-time, I’ve lived both! I do my best to live as a woman of faith, so the undercurrent of all of my writings will reflect my beliefs.
I value connecting with you, hearing how this helped, hearing topics you would like addressed. Share the love, help me restore HOPE where it is under attach or has been lost!