I experienced first hand how easy it is to go to the beach, get caught up in all the activity and not make time to “be still” and soak up some serenity for the soul. The beach provides a serene environment for reflection and meditation, yet I was missing it, I was enamored by all the things to do!!!
I mean there where good things happening, like sand castles being built, memories being made, seasonal delicacies to be enjoyed. There were go carts and board walks, dinner meet ups and new shops to discover.
When life was hard, I was exhausted from running, or I was finally at my wits end, only then would I “make time” to just sit alone at the beach. Once I did, I realized what I had been missing. It was there that I would sense the still small voice bringing comfort to my soul. It was also in those moments that I would find clarity of thought. I realized I felt a deeper spiritual connection in the natural setting on the beach where my emotions were heightened by the sensory experiences associated with the beach
Once I got a taste of that serenity by the sea, a craving developed in my soul and I began making it a priority. During those quiet times at the beach, I believe God spoke into my life, exactly what I needed that day. I began to journal those beautiful word pictures that included seashells, sandpipers and sunrises. I began to dream about putting those comforting beach inspired moments into a book, to inspire others to spend that precious time alone by the sea. That is what drove me to write "Meditations by the Sea." It was a place where my fondness for the beach and my passion for my faith converged.
I also wanted to give beach enthusiasts a devotional that would help them experience a closer connection to God through the wonders of creation. Let's face it, we never have enough time at the beach, yet we many times in life where a virtual visit to the beach is all it takes to help us catch our breath and carry on.
Being at the beach has always restored my soul. Without fail, I would get blue when it was time to pack up and go home. There must be a reasonable solution to this problem, that I was sure I could solve. Just another reason to document these precious moments, so that I could share them with others that had similar cravings. Many a book has transported me to a place I may never visit, but I feel like I did.
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